Diversity Training

 What exactly is Diversity Training? Diversity training is an expert training programme designed to foster positive inter-group communication across various diversity categories to minimize discrimination and prejudice, and just generally teach people who are different from each other how to work together more effectively in a team or organization. There has been much debate over whether or not there is really any difference in the innate characteristics of people who are diverse in their thinking and behavior. Some research indicates that there may not be a difference at all, while other studies have shown differences that may be significant.

Studies show that the first step towards effective inclusion is awareness. When an organization takes the time to educate its employees on the differences in the way that members of different cultures think and act, there is a better chance of creating an inclusive environment for everyone. By teaching employees what behaviors and thoughts are expected of them, as well as what types of language and cultural patterns are appropriate, diversity training helps create awareness within the work place. This awareness creates a culture within the workplace that is more tolerant of differences, which will decrease the number of incidents of bias or prejudice that take place.

The second step in creating an inclusive work environment for all employees is to find an inclusive diversity training program. A program that can be tailored to the type of work environment you have, as well as the level of diversity present, can help make sure that everyone is learning the same things. When there is uniformity in training, it decreases the chances of a misunderstanding or even a scenario where a bias occurred due to improper guidance. An employee with a variety of skills and perspectives may be able to apply the same skill or approach in an area that requires a different strategy.

It's also helpful when a staff awareness is created during the recruitment process. A comprehensive diversity training program designed for a company can also be used by the hiring managers once the position has been filled. Knowing the history of the company and what types of diversity are accepted can help make decisions about hiring easier for all involved. It's important to hire staff members who understand diversity and what is acceptable. It's important for hiring managers to be aware of any previous offenses so they don't make a similar mistake. Staff members who are aware of their employment rights can help avoid situations where they might have to deal with discrimination.

The third step toward creating an inclusive workplace is to make sure everyone knows how to participate in a diverse way. Staff members must understand that they're expected to treat everyone well and be accommodating when others cannot behave or think the same way as them. Allowing for constructive comments, listening to concerns from staff about why they're being treated differently, and offering assistance to accommodate differences will make everyone's experience better.

The fourth step towards creating a diverse and accepting workplace is to have ongoing perspective-taking sessions. This helps employees identify any biases or prejudices they have that could cause them to be negatively stereotyped. Encouraging employees to be aware of their own personal identity and developing open communication channels is an excellent way to reduce bias and develop acceptance. An inclusive culture will require that there is no bias or prejudice, but instead strives to eliminate bias and prejudice whenever possible. Employees are encouraged to consider their identity, cultural heritage, gender, ethnicity, religion, personal choices, sexuality, etc., as part of their individual makeup.

The fifth step towards making your workplace more diverse is to ensure your hiring managers have an understanding of any diversifying policies or procedures. Make it clear that any existing biases or prejudices should not be brought into the light during the interviewing process. Include a brief explanation of your desired goals and objectives for your organization and discuss how these goals are not only related to your company, but also to your company's vision. Also include a section discussing how employees will be considered for advancement within the company.

By following the steps outline in this article, you will begin to make your company more diverse. However, successful diversity depends upon your willingness to implement the strategies outline and having employees who recognize their own identity and role in making the business a diverse one. When this occurs, diversity becomes much easier to maintain and can actually enhance your work environment and work climate.
